Brenda’s Blog – August 22, 2023
“These people have read 14 books, read 8 articles and essays, watched 18 videos, and they responded to questions on each. They have participated in approximately 20 webinars, listened to daily BreakPoint Commentaries, and completed daily devotionals. They have participated in 10 Cohort meetings and led discussions at some of the meetings. They have completed or planned to complete a Worldview Teaching Practicum, and they have developed a Three-Year Plan for Ministry.”
As the speaker read off the past 10 months’ academic accomplishments the size and scope of the Colson Fellows’ Program struck me. “If I had known before I began I am not sure I would have chosen to apply.” Yes, that occurred to me. But what if I had known and allowed that knowledge to stop me from engaging in one of the most stimulating experiences of my life?
Have you ever stopped and looked back upon a challenging season? An overwhelming project? A serious experience? Did you say thanks for having just enough light to make the next steps? Scripture tells us God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. The light for the path is the overall plan (for me, the full syllabus) and the lamp is the step by step (the month’s curriculum requirements).
We are to “consider the cost” as we make decisions, but we are also to follow Abraham as he went out “not knowing where.” He didn’t know the where but he knew the who – indeed he did. And we who follow Jesus are confident that He will complete the work He starts in us – day by day.
When we think we look back at His faithfulness we know we are ready to do what He calls us to do – what a privilege!