Brenda’s Blog – November 19, 2024
“The 1000 underground missiles were already “at the ready.” They held the power to destroy civilization but were meant as a deterrent to preserve peace.”
The brochure put into a few words the heartbeat of the Cold War. As a child of the 50s and teenager of the 60’s the threat of nuclear war was a constant. In elementary school we learned to hide under our desks with hands covering our heads if the “A Bombs” ever went off. No one ever bothered to explain the absolute absurdity of this practice. Or, as we went into junior high we practiced protection by huddling together in the hallways by our lockers – a sure defense!
Knowing that numberless missiles still resided beneath our feet at the Minuteman Missile facility “gave one pause.” I am not sure the safety they promised hadn’t passed its “use by” date.
Of course, then I had to think about the spiritual analogies and illustrations… You know me!
What missiles are hidden within my mind planted to protect me from hurt? What sharp retorts are able to shatter another who threatens to hurt? Even where are the school desks where I hide from rejection and attack? And of course, how often do I cover my head and duck when life gets tense?
Just as the missiles seem outmoded, so do my own personal defense systems. Our country declares us safer when we can show “peace through strength.” I often fool myself into thinking that the walls I build between myself and others shows strength, when it only shows immaturity and immunity from growth.
I guess the missiles will stay in the ground on the plains of South Dakota awaiting the buzzer which sends them on a programmed mission of destruction. Hopefully, I will excavate mine and enjoy a walk without dreading the emotional explosion.