Brenda’s Blog – January 28, 2025
“It seems like I went to sleep and I was 79 – then I woke up, I was 80… and old!” My friend and I laughed as we drank coffee at our favorite café and talked about the realities of octogenarianism (if there is such a word).
We both traveled through our seventies with remarkable productivity, good health, and enjoyment. We loved hearing younger ones say, “When I am your age I want to be like you.”
But then came 80!
When he was 90 one of the outstanding business leaders in Dallas came to see my Dad. He sat down and said with great seriousness “Fred, many of my friends and I are turning 80. What should we be thinking about?” Mom and Dad lived with me in their final years on earth. I had the privilege of overhearing many conversations like this one. I was just a short way over the 60 year mark and 80 seemed so very far away.
But time telescoped and now this question looms large before me. But not just for me, but for many of my women friends. 1944 produced outstanding females. Now casual conversations turn to musings about the changes that surprisingly occur… many (probably most) unwelcome. We recognize the permanent nature of the aches, stiffness, brain fog, and eagerness for others to treat us as old. Chats about bathroom habits, and gut patterns are normalized. We also acknowledge the value of our experiences and appreciate opportunities to listen and encourage.
We are women who pioneered the female leadership model. We demonstrated the versatility and vibrancy needed to be women of excellence. We are not ready to accept “elderly” and quit. We are prepared to understand what’s ahead, create a strategy, gather support, and step out. THUS “Chicks in Transition.”
We are forming a coffee club of octogenarians who strengthen one another through asking the questions, recognizing we are not alone, praying, and laughing with each other knowingly. We are determined to transition well! We are going to take on this decade with grace – and grit.