Brenda’s Blog – January 14, 2025
“We were told our house was safe, so don’t worry. Within ten minutes the flames surrounded our house.” The tearful woman stood with her son packing to seek safety as they evacuated.
The California fires raged! Homes burned to the ground and thousands of lives were changed forever.
I watched the devastation and thought about other fires… emotional, financial, physical, and spiritual. I also remembered hearing, “You are strong; you are fine; don’t overthink this.” Then in a seeming moment I experienced the effects of the overwhelming flames.
The news spoke of people grabbing their prepared “go bags” with critical items. The thought “what would you take if you had to quickly evacuate?” comes to mind. People, papers, pictures, and precious items always top the list. But how about go bag preparation for other crises? What needs to be done in case of a physical disease? A retirement plan depletion? A divorce? How do we create a structure to handle these fires?
The primary item in our bag must be faith. The Bible tells us when we follow Jesus we are never alone. Memorizing scripture and keeping it “on the ready” is essential. Spending time before the flames start licking at our life means putting down deep roots.
My Dad always thought through possible experiences – even when they would probably never occur. He and I disagreed on the efficacy of this strategy, but as I aged I began seeing the wisdom. “Brenda, I never want to be surprised, panic, and get paralyzed. If I think it through ahead of time and construct the way to handle it, I can take clear action.” Without living with a doom and gloom attitude, mental and emotional preparation gives stability.
The Bible says, “when you suffer,” not “if you suffer.” It will come. Make sure your go bag is prepared and ready for easy access.