Weekly Thought – October 28, 2014
Fred’s parents were Rev. and Mrs. M.B. Smith. They had first names, but all knew them as Brother and Mrs. Smith. His father was a Southern Baptist pastor who was known throughout the mill district of Nashville for his compassion, and love of Biblical truth. Fred believed in legacy, not inheritance… in passing on character, not riches.
This week’s thought will probably be the most unusual ever, for it isn’t written by Fred but to him – in 1948 by his Dad. It must have been prompted by Fred’s ordination as a deacon at First Baptist Church in Nashville. He mentions Mary Alice, Fred’s wife of 67 years, who would have been 99 last week. This letter from father to son is a rare find in Fred’s archives and one that teaches us much about his lineage.
Words of a Father
“Dear Fred:
I desire that you know in this personal way that I deeply appreciate you as an ordained servant of God.
The joy of a parent’s heart is the honor their children confer upon them. You have manifested a high sense of honor all your life. It is beginning to bloom out into blessed fruitage.
I am by you like Paul was by the Philippian Church, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.”
It gives me peculiar pleasure to welcome you into the ranks of the ordained of the Lord. I feel confident you will be faithful until death.
I deeply appreciate the letters and literature you send as related to the YOUTH FOR CHRIST MOVEMENT. It gives me insight to the work of the Master as it is related to our Young People.
I appreciate the great mark you are making in the industrial life of our Nation. But most of all, I appreciate the fact that you are pressing toward the mark of the High Calling in Christ Jesus our Lord.
A high standard of spiritual life is needed and the men who are leading in the temporal successes of life are the ones to turn them (the laboring class of people) into the spiritual channels of specific Christian living.
I thank God for every impulse you may stir in the hearts of mankind in that direction.
May God bless you and use you mightily for the exaltation of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am happy that you have a precious help meet in your dear wife. I believe that Mary Alice will uphold you in your church life.
With love and best wishes to you both, and to the dear children, I am sincerely, Dad.”
This week carefully consider: 1) What should I be writing to my children? 2) How can I encourage someone in the faith this week? 3) Who needs to read this letter from Fred’s Dad?
Words of Wisdom: “The joy of a parent’s heart is the honor their children confer upon them. You have had a manifested a high sense of honor all your life. It is beginning to bloom out into blessed fruitage.”
Wisdom from the Word: “The living person, he gives you thanks, as I do today. A father tells his sons about your faithfulness.” (Isaiah 38:19 NET Bible)