Brenda’s Blog – July 7, 2015
“I know them well and love them much.”
My friend Jean is an artist who works masterfully in oils. As friends walked through her one woman show, we commented on the sensitivity in the faces of her subjects.
“Did you take pictures of them before painting?” She paused for just a brief moment then answered me: “No, but I know them well and love them much.”
Striking and meaningful words.
Most of my friends are now the oldest in their line because their parents and even siblings have moved from earth to heaven. “Their faces are fading,” I heard a woman say. That is true of school friends, neighbors in years past, or work associates. But never for my Mom and Dad. Why? Well, for one thing I have photos, but more than that – I have them engraved upon my heart. And as Jean beautifully said, “I knew them well and loved them much.”
We can extend this beyond faces. I think we can certainly apply this to goals, and aspirations. What happens to those childhood “when I grow up” dreams? Where do those five year goals get warehoused? Could Bucket Lists for those of us over 70 become the regeneration of young hopes?
In looking back I see threads of aspiration which weave throughout my entire life. Then, I see ragged strings which ended up as straggly leftovers. Thankfully, some of those truncated cords didn’t make it through. How wise is our God!
What do you see so very clearly in your life because there is knowledge and love? Where is your focus and your attention? The areas we feed are the ones that grow.
Close your eyes and bring up an image of who you are now and who you want to be in 12 months. Then think carefully about how to know, love, and nurture enough. And, of course, always overlay these hopes with the simple words: “As the Lord wills.”