Brenda’s Blog – October 18, 2022
Steve Brown is a Bible teacher from Florida whose well-known tag line when he finishes a radio program or a sermon is always ”Now you think about that.”
A.W. Tozer said, “What you think about when you think about God is the most important thing about you.”
The Bible says, “As a man thinks, so is he.”
Growing up I was encouraged to say “I think” rather than “I feel.” As an adult I now know both are important and each is indicative of particular personality types. We also know our behavior follows thoughts and feelings. Action doesn’t spring out of thin air; it has a solid basis.
Watching college students for years I soon learned what was important to them. It was what they talked about – and especially who they talked about. People in love cannot avoid mentioning the other because the relationship fills their thoughts.
Recently the phrase “top of mind” made the news. That is exactly what it is. We fill our minds with seemingly limitless data, but some of it rises to the top and commands our attention. More than that, it often determines our behavior. Compulsions and premeditated crimes are literally outcomes of “top of mind” obsession.
Our creator knows us and in His design He built in the ability to filter and choose our thoughts. We are given categories on which to focus (e.g. true, honorable, pure, of good reputation, etc.). We are instructed to capture our thoughts and manage what we spend time thinking about.
Dad once told me he came in to say goodnight and I was still awake, sitting on my bed and looking out the window. “Why aren’t you asleep?” “How can anybody sleep when there is so much to think about?” was my answer. Oh, to be that little girl!
It is easy in our media-sated culture to avoid thinking, but how much poorer we are. We were given minds as a fantastic tool. Using them to grow healthy and helpful is a rich opportunity.