Brenda’s Blog – August 23, 2016
“When in work zones, expect the unexpected.”
The Tennessee digital warning signs caught my attention as I drove. Then they made me laugh. My kids roll their eyes when they see the “that’ll preach” look come across my face.
But think about it – when we are growing, stretching, and changing, unexpected things happen. In other words, when we are moving from one phase, level, or season we are in the midst of work. Sometimes we are working on ourselves, and quite frequently God is working on us.
A sweet friend is going through a painful life transition. She is valiantly trying to live in “day-tight compartments” as my Dad used to counsel me, but she (like the rest of us) looks out wondering how to continue living out her purpose. Christians typically seek to identify ways of effectively serving Jesus and others. We often feel certain of our giftedness and spend years living out what we see as our calling. Then WHAM! We enter a work zone and the unexpected occurs.
What gets us through the road work on the highways? After dealing with frustration because schedules are awry, and “best times ever from A to B” are abandoned, a healthy person accepts the situation and focuses on being alert. The same is true of life changes. We kick and scream just to assert our sovereignty and assumed control. Then we understand we can do it smoothly or roughly, but we will do it! Those who follow Jesus know our triune God is the only one in control and nothing thwarts His plans – NOTHING!
Work zones can be dangerous. But they are also promises of better conditions. Are you in a work zone right now? Are you moving through an unexpected patch? YAY for you! You are transitioning to a place of refinement, repair, and rejuvenation. (Hey, I am the granddaughter of a Baptist preacher and love three-part alliteration!) Prepare your heart and mind, seeing the value of what it is… a work zone.