Brenda’s Blog – September 10, 2019
“What does your T shirt say?”
One of my favorite t shirts has App-Uh-Latch-Uh emblazoned across the front. Frequently I see people mouthing the words trying to understand it. I smile to myself.
So, you are probably trying to make sense of it, right?
In the last ten years our non-profit has been privileged to spend time at Alice Lloyd College in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. On my first meeting with President Joe Stepp I enthusiastically extolled the wonders of AppalAchia –(long A). He looked across the desk and quietly, but firmly, said — In Eastern Kentucky it is Appalachia (short A). Then he gave me this unforgettable visual. “Brenda, I have an apple in my hand. If I toss it to you it will be an apple – atcha.” THAT is way we pronounce it here.
So, finding the t shirt in the Eastern Kentucky craft store made my day!
Recently in a hotel breakfast room I noticed the variety of t shirts worn by the not-quite-awake diners. Each advertised a philosophical viewpoint (some not quite appropriate for family viewing), loyalty to schools, political affinities, and bold graphics advertising a rock concert decades ago. I always notice them and wonder about the back story. Why that T? Why that attachment?
What is the message?
Then, of course, it occurred to me all of us wear a statement of worldview, lifestyle, or leisure choices. We speak to others about our values, our affections, and even our disgruntlements. We may not wear them printed on cotton shirts, but we demonstrate to others our underlying message. Our countenance, our speech, our civility… all shout out.
If we printed our heart condition across our chests, what would it say? If we notified the world of our motivations in 20 point type, what would we say? Hopefully, those who pass by will stop, ponder our message, and then go on blessed and strengthened.