Brenda’s Blog – November 20, 2018
“And their voices prevailed.” (Luke 22:23)
The trial of Jesus climaxes in these four pitiable words. Pilate wanted a reason to free Jesus and maintain his political position with the Jews, so he gave them a choice. He kept looking for the “right answer,” but the crowd kept calling out Barabbas. “And their voices prevailed.”
Such sad words, aren’t they? So easily passed over. But wait – shouldn’t we stop and think about the implications for us today?
During the holidays the sounds of Christmas carols blend in with strains of stinkin’ thinkin’ as Zig Ziglar liked to say. Truth about the incarnation and mishmash about materialism on steroids create a cacophony of voices which confuse and distract us.
Hallmark movies with 40 different ways of using the same script (and revolving actors) try valiantly to woo us into the happy ever after. In actuality, loss of relationships, jobs, hopes, and dreams create loneliness and aching.
How can we tune out the voices of “you need more,” “life is only good if you have ________________” (fill in the blank)? How can we shut out the noise of a culture which talks over, screams at, and seeks to subdue? How can the “still, quiet voice of God” break through to our spirit? How can the prevailing voices be captured and only the sounds of the sacred audible?
It is in discerning what needs to be heard and what needs to be stifled and muffled. It is in listening for the precious voice of the One who loved us so much He sent Jesus (God in the flesh) to teach us what life really means.
Thanksgiving Day gives us an opportunity to focus on voices of gratitude. Then we can shout for joy!