Brenda’s Blog – August 13, 2019
“This trucking company was built on the vision of a blind man.”
Ormsby Trucking Company travels with this painted on the back of their vehicles. It grabs you, doesn’t it? As I rode along behind the 18 wheeler it made me think about other irregular visions.
The Menninger brothers established a medical clinic on the Kansas plains, far from the major schools, populations, and technology. The Mayo brothers created a world-renown diagnostic facility in Rochester, Minnesota. Who would ever create a strategic plan for medical institutions placing them in these remote areas? Yet, the vision of “blooming where they are planted” belies the advice of most consultants.
The names of successful companies on the “it can’t be done here” list always get my attention. A common element is a man or woman who had an idea and built on it, like Mr. Ormsby. Undoubtedly they all faced great challenges and probably questioned themselves at times. But the vision motivated, disciplined, and drove the activity needed for realization.
So much is written about passion as the engine for accomplishment. Great bursts of energy without conduits to direct them lead to “blowing off steam.” Vision is the structure.
As Christians our operating vision is the transforming work of God which continually changes us into the image of Jesus. This is the vision in the mind of God – we are His workmanship, the outworking of His vision. Even though we cannot even imagine what the outcome will be, we can be scripturally attune to many of the elements in this process. We know His changing us from self-directed to Spirit-led is indeed in His “vision statement.”
Our lives can be visionary adventures. We can exult in the unexpected experiences He presents. Trucks roll on the vision of a blind man; we move on the impeccable vision of Him whose sees all.