Brenda’s Blog – May 5, 2015
“Every child is an artist.” – Pablo Picasso
These words are painted on the wall above my Illinois grandchildren’s play area. It stops me for a moment each time I look at it.
What happens between childhood and adulthood? Where does the unbounded creativity go? When do we become self-conscious about our artistic efforts?
My pastor’s wife started a crafting group and calls it “A Beautiful Mess.” Don’t you love that? This last week they painted, but not without some trepidation. “What if I can’t do it? What if mine looks really bad? What if I don’t have any talent?” Melissa emphasized the gifts of a God whose magnificent artistry is seen throughout our world. She encouraged freedom in expressing the joyfulness of using brushes and paint.
During the last week my friend and co-worker Pat Walters and I traveled throughout the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Over and over we oohed and aahed at the touch of God’s hand. We are blessed to be sons and daughters of a God who builds into us the ability to respond to the beauty of His creation.
How can we take down the walls which cause us to demand perfection in our efforts? How can we deny self-consciousness the power to inhibit our creativity? How can we reclaim the joy of childhood?
Being grown-up doesn’t mean giving up the freedoms which make childhood so precious. Our spirits should still dance, sing, and paint. Let’s rediscover the “child within” who is truly an artist. Let’s open our hearts with abandon and wonderfully enjoy the life God has so graciously given.
Question for you: “If no one were watching, what would your child love to do?” Second question: “What keeps you from doing it?”
Rejoice in being the child of God!