Weekly Thought – March 19, 2024
Fred saw perseverance as the bedrock of a strong character. He frequently quoted Romans 3:3-5 substituting the word “perseverance” for “endurance.” “…We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame.”
The Perseverance Effect
Character is built through perseverance. In Romans 5 we see the process that moves from a position of grace through tribulation and suffering to perseverance and on to character which gives us great hope. Today’s society emphasizes personality and intelligence as the critical elements. But no, it is character for it is the seat of our values – the custodian of our will. You have heard me say before I am convinced the most major failures are ones of character breakdown, not of personality or intelligence.
During a losing season with the Dallas Mavericks Norm Sonju publicly stated that this was the “season of the north side of the tree.” Do you know where we got that phrase? A leading boat manufacturer advertised that they made their hulls from lumber that came from the northside having survived the battering of weather. My friend and mentor Maxey Jarman referred to business downturns as “times that burn the fat off our soul.” Perseverance and character don’t coexist with fat souls.
Character tells us where we will stand on issues, for how long, and at what price. Oswald Chambers warns that if we can’t take the small test we will inevitably fail the large one. Many fool themselves into thinking that they fail the small, but will triumph in the big ones… it just won’t happen. Character is determined by who we are becoming through our choices, our experiences, and our accomplishments. This is the totality of decisions – not just the winning ones.
The Apostle Paul cites the process beginning with suffering. In my experience I have seen trouble speed character development. Prosperity is generally not the soil of great perseverance or of character. In fact, it is a well known fact that no person nor society can endure continuous prosperity. As we rightly experience our valleys we learn the place of prayer, the power of scripture, and the presence of the Spirit. In Isaiah we read “I will give you the treasures of darkness.” God is an artist who paints with both light and dark colors.
Malcolm Muggeridge replied when asked about the value of suffering responded: “Everything I have learned in my seventy-five years, everything that truly enhanced and enlightened my existence, has been through affliction and not happiness. If affliction were eliminated, it would not make life delectable but banal and trivial.”
This week think about: 1) How am I using the dark times to build character? 2) Who is watching me handle difficulties? 3) When have I experienced the hope which is the result of the process?
Words of Wisdom: “Character is built through perseverance.”
Wisdom from the Word: “As a result we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and afflictions you are enduring.” (2 Thessalonians 1:4 NET Bible)