Weekly Thought – June 25, 2024
Fred and Mary Alice were married 67 years on June 25th 2004. He was in rehab and unable to celebrate with her. The family gathered in the facility’s dining room and shared a full to-go dinner from Lawry’s, their favorite place to share anniversaries. The Smith family’s byword was “Be A Blessing.” They, indeed, modeled that for all who knew them.
Something Good Today
Let me tell you one of my favorite stories.
Several years ago I had a major operation at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Mary Alice felt sorry for the doctors and hospital staff because she knew what an executive I was… translated: “how things should be run.” She knew I would quiz the doctors about their qualifications (with respect and charm) as thoroughly as possible. For example, I found out the surgeon was returning from vacation. I asked him to make me his second surgery of the day. I wanted him to get his hand back in the swing of things before he met me. He actually complied.
Then my wife knew I would put my management eye on the hospital, asking why they did what they did and arranged things as they did, hoping to offer some improvement. As I sat in the waiting room I was called to the desk. “Please put all your valuables into this lock box.” I did and then realized my ego was actually the most valuable thing I had. Right then I decided to put it in the box, as well. I would be totally submissive and cooperative. I found the joy of community rather than the responsibility of being a management consultant. I put aside the pressure of establishing the pecking order and focused on the similarities in people, not the differences.
Late one night (or probably early one morning) one of the nurses came in and said, “Mr. Smith, I am coming to ask something of you I have never asked of another patient in my life.” I nodded agreement and she continued. “We have a young woman who is dying. She doesn’t have one flower in her room. You have nineteen arrangements and I was wondering if you would give one to her? She is all alone.”
I pointed to a magnificent arrangement made up of exotic flowers flown in from Hawaii sent to me by the Elliott Sunday School Class of Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas. In the center stood aj beautiful bird of paradise. I suggested that she take that one.
About thirty minutes later the nurse came back in choked with emotion and started walking around the room. She came to the foot of my bed, squeezed my big toe, and walked out without a word. I knew she was saying, “Tonight we did something good.” I will always remember that feeling.
Sometimes when I am not sleeping at night, I wish the Lord would squeeze my toe and say, “We did good today.” Being a blessing should be our heart’s desire. After all, isn’t it said about Jesus that He “went about doing good?”
This week carefully consider: 1) When have I had my “toe squeezed?”2) How can I go about doing good? 3) Who models a life that blesses others for me?
Words of Wisdom: “I realized my ego was actually my most valued possession.”
Wisdom from the Word: “He went around doing good.” (Acts 10:38(b) NET Bible)