Brenda’s Blog – September 6, 2016
“Battery is low – 10% remaining – plug in now or find alternate power source.”
I play a game with my laptop – seeing which of us will run out of steam first! Being free of the power cord gives me more working environment choices, but requires me to take on the risk of power failure. When the warning comes up, I rush to gather my thoughts, get them typed, and saved.
My laptop is smarter than I for it knows when to stop. I often think how wise it would be to have a personal warning system. And how profitable it would be to have a 10% light so I don’t run on empty. Oh, to listen to my mind and body!
What are the questions to ask?
1) How is my personal operating system functioning?
2) How do I take readings on my individual battery power?
3) What causes me to push past reasonable limits?
4) Where is my ego out of whack?
5) What are the energy drains in my life?
6) How can I better allocate my energy resources for maximum productivity?
7) What fuels me? Where is my joy?
8) How well am I handling stressful situations?
9) What is my relationship to others? To God?
10) How can I install an early warning system to deter burnout?
Recently I encountered the BSOD… the dreaded Blue Screen of Death. Nothing worked and I spent the rest of the day with a technician named Joe who undoubtedly lived in Fiji! Dollars and hours later my laptop reigned victorious. I do not want to experience a physical, mental, and spiritual BSOD, so I am following the old railroad adage: “Stop, Look, and Listen” and plan to fill up my tank more frequently.