Brenda’s Blog – June 14, 2016
“Hey, you there, in the cage!”
The billboard on Interstate 75 driving down toward Tampa caught my eye. I laughed out loud as I thought about it.
The Harley-Davidson ad certainly appeals to the secret biker in all of us. Yes, even this 70-something grandmother of nine! In fact, years ago I taped a picture of a curvy Colorado mountain road on my mirror and declared it to be my dream trip – on three wheels (I was never going to get down to two… )
Next step – taking the motorcycle license class. The first day we studied the rules of the road. Of course, I got the highest mark in the class. I was on the way to the Rocky Mountains. THEN the actual riding came. The moment the instructor asked me to surrender the bike and leave the class I knew I was never going to be cage free.
Unrealized dreams become fodder for funny stories.
We can look at that billboard in two ways. We absolutely make choices which put us in cages. Those limit our joy, our freedom, and our fulfillment. But alternatively, cages keep us from hazardous environments. For example, when shark-hunters explore their habitat they descend safely ensconced in wire cages – feeling grateful for the protection.
What cages do you remember? Which ones inhibited you? Which ones gave you safety? And what unrealized dreams now give you pause and a smile? Our stories make us real – let’s really always recall them. And ride free!