Weekly Thought – July 12, 2016
Fred appreciated William Barclay. He taught a very fine Sunday School lesson Barclay wrote. Fred’s love of principles allowed him to take the phrases and then apply current applications. His ability to see truth and create ways to pass it on energized him.
Continue praying for the Breakfast With Fred Leadership Institute as the Fall events come quickly. Lift up Asbury University and Palm Beach Atlantic University – our teams, their faculty, staff, and students. We go in the name of Jesus and eagerly anticipate the work He gives us to do.
Powerful Triad
“Lord, grant us in our work, satisfaction; in our leisure, pleasure; in our study, wisdom; and in our love, loyalty.” Years ago while reading, I discovered William Barclay’s prayer. I was so impressed with the balance of life he described that I easily memorized it. Through the years I have repeated it to myself many times and twice I have taught it as a Sunday School lesson. The first time I only taught the four requests. Later, I realized I had missed the significance of the three opening words.
“Lord” – One of the major theological questions today is whether Christ can be Savior without being Lord. George Gallup did a survey among the “born again” and found that only 10 percent considered their faith in daily decision making. He wrote a book titled The Saints Among Us, indicating that 90 percent of us are nominal Christians.
“Grant” – This reminds us all good and perfect gifts come from above. We have no demands on God, only requests. Again, the Bible tells us we have nothing but what we have received of God.
“Us” – This reminds us Christianity is a community, a Body, a family. It is not just an individual experience. It is not like the pine tree that can grow by itself. It is like the redwood that grows in a cluster with all of the roots supporting the others.
Gert Behanna was born and raised in the old Waldorf Astoria amid amazing wealth. After spending much of her life wedded to a lifestyle of drugs and alcohol, she became a Christian. When she prayed “Our Father” she realized she was a member of a family and gave much of her wealth to needy Christians whom she considered brothers and sisters.
“Lord, grant us…” A triad of infinite significance.
This week consider: 1) How can I apply that triad in my life this week? 2) What is God doing in me that shows me who He is? 3) Where am I plugged into the community of faith?
Words of Wisdom: “Again, the Bible tells us we have nothing but what we have received of God.”
Wisdom from the Word: “For who concedes you any superiority? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you received it, why do you boast as though you did not?” (1 Corinthians 4:7 NET Bible)