This means we are donor supported. We are not a funded foundation, nor an endowed organization. We operate from money raised each year…money that is given by people who benefit from the Weekly Thoughts, the website (, or the Breakfast With Fred Leadership Institute events.
We are frequently asked, “How do you pay for these campus events? What do you charge the colleges and universities? How much is the subscription to the Weekly Thought?”
The answers: The men and women who participate on the BWFLI teams pay their own travel expenses; the institutions pay no fees, and no honoraria; and the weekly thoughts come free as part of our legacy.
Your gifts are deeply appreciated by us for they mean we can continue the work of Fred Smith, Sr. And, it means we can continue “stretching and blessing the next generation of leaders…to the glory of God.”
Fred reminded us “we have nothing but what we have been given.” His belief in the provision of God influences us daily. We want you to find us, friend us, and then fund us. We want you to be helped, strengthened, and nurtured. And we want you to feel like you are an integral part of what we do. SO:
- If you are encouraged by our weekly wisdom emails, would you prayerfully consider being one of our financial supporters?
- If you, a family member, or a friend benefitted from a BWFLI event, would you help underwrite another campus?
- If you want to enable the next generation to make connections with men and women of wisdom, experience, and hope, would you think about being part of our prayer support team?
- If you would like more of Fred’s writings available, would you donate to the development of new projects?
- If you believe in the work we do, and you want to see it continue, would you support us monthly or through a one-time gift?
How do we use your gifts?
- We pay rent, we buy insurance, we purchase office supplies, and we pay staff. Those are necessary expenses. BUT ALSO:
- We deliver close to 6,000 wisdom emails each week throughout the United States and to many international locations.
- We touch 2,000 students each year, starting conversations, and creating connections.
- We produce materials from the files of Fred Smith, Sr. to expand his reach, deepen his impact, and preserve his work.
- We maintain an online archive of Fred’s lifework (