Weekly Thought – October 2, 2018
Fred thought deeply from a young age. He confused his parents with his need for a quiet, “thinking place” which he found in the attic. He also took his responsibility to those coming behind seriously. Although he was not considered a social activist, he devoted much time and energy to the stretching of younger leaders. On March 3, 1954 he wrote a speech memo (notes to himself for future talks) about the legacy of his generation. Ironic that we are living out generations later the legacy he foresaw. This is an unusual Weekly Thought because it exists in a list of thoughts, but the implications generate great thought. Fred was born in 1915 and wrote this piece to those born in 1940 and beyond.
As the year closes we need your financial help to sustain the BWFLI programming. We have one additional What’s Next Roundtable at Greenville University in Greenville, IL. If you can donate to our operating funds, we will greatly appreciate your tax deductible gifts.
Our Legacy to the Next Generation
We have given the next generation (editor’s note: now known as builders or the silent generation):
• Religion without conviction
• Science without conscience
• Kinsey without marriage
• Excitement without achievement
• Security without effort
• Knowledge without wisdom
• Nightmares instead of dreams
• Techniques without principles
• Precepts without examples
• Freedom without responsibility
• The present without promise
• The future without fruition
• Marching orders without marching songs
• Education without motivation
• Prosperity without peace
• War without reason
• Art without beauty
• Brotherhood without Godhead
• Songs without souls
• Enterprise without enthusiasm
• Fission without feeling
• Fusions without faith
Editor’s Note: Fred’s speech memo developed the negative side of legacy. Even though there are no memos which list the positive, be assured he believed in the “faith of the fathers” which passed strength and trust down to the next generation. Perhaps it is our task to write the other list.
This week think carefully: 1) Which on this list makes me stop and think? 2) How has my generation years later solved any of these dilemmas? 3) What am I leaving for the next generation?
Words of Wisdom: This week take a moment and reread the list
Wisdom from the Word: “Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing; it benefits those who see the light of day.” (Ecclesiastes 7:11 NET Bible)