Brenda’s Blog – March 22, 2022
“I miss our Whataburger time.”
My Colorado friend reminisced about our monthly Saturday morning breakfasts at the Tyler Whataburger. Before their move our traditional time together allowed us to catch up, but more importantly, share Christian fellowship.
During those years we sought each other’s counsel, agonized about unsolved life situations, wondered about God’s direction, and praised Him for clarity as He shepherded us through rough fields.
We had no set date, just a text “have time for Whataburger?” The Lord prepared us for these times. He set the agenda and led the conversation. We sat at the same table month after month (we believed the Lord put a “reserved” table tent up on those Saturday mornings) aware of the brevity of time and wanting to strengthen each other.
It became holy ground as we opened our hearts to each other before the Lord. We built trust venturing deeper and deeper into private, often painful areas. The friendship grew and the conversations entered into critical topics.
Ralph Waldo Emerson greeted his friend Henry David Thoreau with this question each time they met: “What has become clearer since last we met?” How well that described our Whataburger times. We also queried the activity of our great God. Seeing His providence gave us hope in dark days and rejoicing as doors opened.
We didn’t need stained glass windows, pew kneelers, or even big black Bibles to know we were worshipping the Holy One. Our favorite brightly colored A Frame structure spoke of God as surely as the flying buttresses of Gothic cathedrals. We were in His presence as we were present with each other.