Brenda’s Blog – May 18, 2021
It is my custom whenever I speak to a women’s group to conclude with “the blessing” – the verses from Numbers 6: “May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you – and give you peace!”
After one retreat a woman came up and asked about the blessing. “Where did you get that?” “It is from Numbers 6”, I answered. “Which numbers are they?” I was stumped until realizing the book of Numbers in the Bible was unknown to her. Sharing the reference became a double blessing.
At the birth of my first grandchild I touched his head and recited these verses. It became my privilege, as each grandchild came. Watching each one learn the words, especially “peace” gave great joy. The P sound lends itself to exaggeration. Without prompting each one emphasizes it with gusto.
Hearing a grandchild join in brings tears. My prayer is for the words to imprint their hearts and minds, passing on to the next generation.
Numbers create memories, don’t they? Do you remember house address numbers? How about your childhood phone number? Numbers create opportunities for mental exercise. Some over achievers memorize drivers’ licenses, bank accounts, and credit cards. During a time of high stress I developed a personal stress test: when overwhelmed I tried to remember my Mom’s phone number. There have been times when stress has gone off the chart and I struggled to even recall my own area code. Numbers told me it was time to slow down and regroup.
An interesting Biblical project is taking your birthday and following it from Genesis to Revelation. You won’t find it in every book, but in enough to stimulate thought. These personal references open a window into truth and provide an individual approach.