Weekly Thought – December 25, 2018
Fred knew the power of organizing his thoughts through writing. He regularly quoted Francis Bacon: “Reading makes a full man, conversation a ready man, and writing an exact man.” This week you will share in a very private reading – “Fred’s Credo.”
May this day on which we celebrate the Incarnation bring blessing, clarity, and peace. And may you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
My Personal Creed
My purpose: To determine what I will become knowing I will become the sum of my choices, and my decisions. To that end I will:
1) Respect truth by searching for it and accepting it from any source.
2) Look for the essence of matters as the elegance of life.
3) Endeavor to pray honestly about any subject, assuming God already knows.
4) Expect nothing but what I earn, but accept gifts gratefully.
5) Own myself. Thereby I can contribute my uniqueness to life. I will concentrate on my uniqueness rather than what I like to do, or what pays the most. If my uniqueness is lost, then there has been no compelling reason for my having lived. I will have failed to contribute my place to life’s jigsaw puzzle.
6) Limit extensive self-knowledge to my most productive strengths and destructive weaknesses.
7) Construct concepts for my thinking and actions so as to minimize large mistakes and give consistency to my living.
8) Relax in the sovereignty of God.
9) Decide issues of life by faith based on Biblical authority.
10) Respect money as a tool, never an idol.
11) Endeavor to accept my rightful responsibility because it is right not necessarily because I like it.
12) Realize my acts affect others and have ripple effects.
13) Accept human imperfection as a reality, but never an excuse.
14) See profitable and interesting experiences in areas of life that will continually broaden me.
15) Turn all experiences into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom.
16) Live so that the best is yet to be by attending to maturity, health, relationships, and capital.
I Will Not:
1) Build an unreal image which enslaves me or alienates me from others.
2) Make a junkyard of my old age through bad decisions.
3) Sacrifice self-respect, health, family, relationship with God for business success.
This week think about: 1) What is my personal creed? 2) Which of Fred’s points penetrated my heart? 3) Which one needs my attention?
Words of Wisdom: “I will become the sum of my choices, and my decisions.”
Wisdom from the Word: “That you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that you may walk in a manner of the Lord.” (Colossians 1:9, 10 NET Bible)