Weekly Thought – March 3, 2020
Fred clarified his thinking by putting his thoughts in writing… a lesson taught him in his twenties. Each year we repost what he called his “personal creed.” We hope it gives you an opportunity to consider your own “credo.”
My Personal Creed
Purpose: To determine what I will become. I will become the sum of my choices, and decisions. The Creed should guide and identify exceptions.
1. I will respect truth by searching for it and accepting it from any source.
2. I will look for the essence of matters as the elegance of life…as Einstein wanted to think God’s thoughts after Him. “For all else is detail.” In problems I will look for the key facts like a logger looks for the key log.
3. I will endeavor to pray honestly about any subject assuming God already knows.
4. I will expect nothing but what I earn, but will accept gifts gratefully.
5. The most valuable thing I can own is myself. Thereby I can contribute my uniqueness to life. I will concentrate on my uniqueness rather than what I like to do or what I would be paid the most to do. If my uniqueness is lost, then there has been no compelling reason for my having lived. I will have failed to contribute my piece to the jigsaw puzzle.
6. I will limit extensive self-knowledge to my most productive strengths and destructive weaknesses.
7. I will construct concepts for my thinking and actions so as to minimize large mistakes and give consistency to my living.
8. I will relax in the sovereignty of God. Service will be expressions of respect and love, not ingratiation.
9. The large issues of life will be decided by faith based on Biblical authority.
10. I will respect money, but as a means and never an end.
11. I will endeavor to accept my rightful responsibility, not because I like it but because it is right, realizing that my acts affect others, and that both good and bad have ripple effects.
12. I will accept human imperfection as a reality but never as an excuse or rationalization.
13. My life will be a confluence from many profitable and interesting areas of life so as to continually broaden my base.
1. I will not build any unreal image which enslaves me or alienates me from others.
2. I will not sacrifice my old age, but, rather adopt a refinishing method good for all periods in turning experience into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom. I will live so that “the best is yet to be” by attention to maturity, health, relations, and capital.
3. I will not sacrifice these things for business success: a) self-respect b) health c) family d) relation with God.
Think carefully about these points this week: 1) How would I construct my own personal creed? 2) What are the essentials and non-negotiables? 3) What are my I WILLs, but more importantly, my I WILL NOTs?
Words of Wisdom: “The large issues of life will be decided by faith based on Biblical authority.”
Wisdom from the Word: “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32 NET Bible)