“In Jesus’ name, press on.”
Selah is a Christian group privileged to minister through their music. Years ago they recorded a song titled Press On. Click here to listen to this song. Some of the familiar lines are: “when the valley is deep; when the mountain is steep; when the body is weary; when I stumble and fall.” Very familiar human conditions, aren’t they? The chorus exhorts the listener: “In Jesus’ name, press on.”
In the early 2000s I undertook a job which was lucrative, but for which I was a terrible misfit. I put on my game face, went out day by day to conquer, then retreated back home to my caregiving responsibilities.
On one particularly difficult day, I returned to the office dragging in spirit and body. The Christian radio station played this song as I sat in the parking garage talking myself into opening the car door. Suddenly, I just couldn’t move. I sat and listened to those words while tears ran down my not-so-game face. “In Jesus’ name, press on.” Just the hope I needed.
In the nearly 20 years since that day I have often turned to Selah’s rendition for encouragement. And I send the words to others whose bodies are weary and spirits are wracked. The strength of these words is the very fact it doesn’t say, “Tie a knot and hang on.” Or, “Pull yourself up by your boot straps.” No, it says the way up and out is pressing on in the name of Jesus.
We are going to be in deep valleys as long as we live. And certainly mountain ranges are going to rise up to challenge our faith, but the name of Jesus will never lose its efficacious power. So, on the worst of days I can confidently press on. YAY,God!