Weekly Thought – June 30, 2020
Fred substituted for the Elliott Class of Highland Park Presbyterian Church for years. They were dear friends. He consistently thought about them, constantly keeping notes for the times when he was “up to bat.” This message is excerpted from a lesson taught in July, 1987.
Living In the Christian Context
I believe life should be homogeneous, not broken into individually defined segments where the spiritual is just one. In a life like this there are compartments for business, social, family, financial, etc. I want my life to have a holistic reality. I know when I say that some of you will have their discernment antennae rise. Yes, New Agers have used this word, but it is a perfectly good word and concept. Speaking of misusing words… When my great undiscovered classic “You and Your Network” came out Word Publishing heard from Christian bookstores saying they didn’t want to carry it because the word Network was considered New Age. I think we can show Jesus demonstrated the power of connection and community long before anyone thought of hugging trees and deciding they were God.
We should be able to talk about our heavenly home as easily as many of you talk about your vacation homes on Padre or Pebble Beach. Don’t you find people have no difficulty casually mentioning their weekends on the beach, or in the mountains?
Frankly, I think we should be able to talk about scriptural principles as easily as we discuss the multiplication tables. Both are just facts of life for the believer.
Recently I met the owner of an electrical corporation who said he always tries to work God into the conversation. He paused. I think he was waiting for a “bless you, brother” from me. The truth is I rather resent that mindset for several reasons. In the first place, God is already there even though that may not be recognized. We are not inviting Him in from somewhere on the outside. I do not believe our life should be so segmented we have to shoehorn him into our conversations.
I spoke to a men’s retreat in California. We talked about integrating the spiritual as natural. I told them I am not one to grab someone, slap them with the King James Version, and pray loudly and long in the airport lounge. But years ago I told God if the Spirit opened a way I promised I wouldn’t duck. One of the men in the group caught that phrase. He had buttons produced for the whole crowd showing a duck with a bar crossed through – don’t duck! When I am open it is surprising how natural the conversations occur.
The newspaper tells us about daily happenings, often the negative and over editorialized view. It is their view of life. The Bible also gives us a view of life – but as it should be. As Christians we should be holistic and wholly His wherever we are. Segments are for grapefruits, not Christ’s people.”
This week carefully consider: 1) How tempted am I to live like a grapefruit? 2) What is my most natural way of talking about God? 3) Who models spiritual integration for me?
Words of Wisdom: “I do not believe our life should be so segmented we have to shoehorn him into our conversation.”
Wisdom from the Word: “The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” (Job 33:4 NET Bible)