Weekly Thought – February 25, 2020
Fred learned from his mentor to put his thoughts in writing. He benefited from skilled administrative assistants who understood his style and translated his thoughts to paper. Thankfully, files exist which hold decades of these ruminations. Five pages of onion skin typing paper hold one liners on leadership, written in 1958 when he was 42.
In 2020 the What’s Next Roundtable creates a three session model which will engage students and team members for an entire semester. Please pray for the students who are nominated by their schools, team members who accept this ongoing challenge, and growth for all who participate.
Lines on Leadership
1. Leadership does not mean domination. It seeks effective activity with a beneficent purpose.
2. In every significant event there has been a bold leader, an object, or purpose – and an adversary.
3. A healthy society is one in which opportunities are given for leaders to emerge from all ranks in the population.
4. Marks of a leader: individual craftsmanship, sensibility, insight, initiative and energy.
5. No sluggards need aspire to leadership. There are passive persons who are content to go through life getting lifts from people who wait until action is forced upon them. They are not leadership material.
6. Leaders get out in front and stay there by raising the standards by which they judge themselves – and by which they are willing to be judged.
7. A love of high quality is essential in a leader.
8. The leader carries with him a sense of idealism – a vision of what might be.
9. The leader will take counsel from others, but will act on what his/her mind says is right. A leader is self-trained out of the fear of making a mistake.
10. The leader acts on probabilities instead of certainties.
11. Leaders need to submit themselves to a stricter discipline than is expected of others. Those who are first in position must be first in merit.
12. Leaders must have the force of character necessary to inspire others to follow with confidence.
13. Leadership motivates people to work for you when they are under no obligation to do so.
14. Leaders must see situations as a whole, as well as in the separate parts.
15. The higher leaders go in management, the more they need refilling because they are constantly giving out.
16. If leaders want to attract people, let others know and believe they are willing to find and share a great purpose in living.
17. Leadership cannot be delegated.
18. Leaders understand how much can be accomplished by people when expectations are real. Only when higher performance is demanded, do we realize the extent of our capabilities.
19. Leaders plan the utilization of skills. Sloppy practices set precedents.
20. Policies and plans are more or less useless unless they are known to all affected.
This week carefully think about: 1) How do I define leadership? 2) Who has most effectively modeled leadership for me? 3)Which of Fred’s one liners particularly hits me?
Words of Wisdom: “The leader carries with him a sense of idealism – a vision of what might be.”
Wisdom from the Word: “‘And in the last days it will be,’ God says, ‘that I will pour out my Spirit on all people, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.’” (Acts 2: 17 NET Bible)