Brenda’s Blog – August 25, 2015
“Here, son, let me help.”
Our community pool requires a shower before entering. The apparatus to start the water flow is quite hard to push.
The other day I watched with interest as a strong-willed young one reached up to depress the button, but without much success. Quietly, his father walked over, offered help, and then placed his large hand lightly over his son’s. Together they showered.
It hit me how many times we can either be the giver or receiver of help. But too many times we either stubbornly refuse, or fail to acknowledge the need. Seeing the partnership between father and son reminded me how important community is – for organizations, families, friendships, and faith.
And sometimes those “showers of blessing” we desire come after we work together combining strengths. One man (or woman) bands are comical and enjoyable, to a point. But no one expects great music from them. Amidst the clanging, yapping, and tooting, melodies do arise, but seldom would you confuse them for a symphony orchestra!
When we are assigned a task, or volunteer for a job, we must keep our options open for enlisting aid and assistance. Often the accomplishment occurs because someone graciously says, “Here, son (daughter), let me help.”
And on the other hand, we must always be aware of situations which would benefit from an offer of help – without creating an overbearing atmosphere of criticism. Discerning the right time and the right word is the key to effective relationships and leadership. The advancement of aid should never be seen as a statement of the other’s ineptitude.
Community is the interweaving of many hands to accomplish one purpose.