Brenda’s Blog – December 27, 2016
“Twists of Fate which brought strangers together in a life-saving event.”
The Weather Channel aired a special titled “Twists of Fate” highlighting horrendous weather-triggered emergencies which brought strangers together in dramatic ways. The situations were startling, but the “coincidences” and “twists of fate” dwarfed the impact of the experiences. They pointed out each turn which affected the outcomes – down to the smallest details.
The life-threatening stories were difficult to watch. But to see the documentary chronicle each turn and credit the fickle finger of fate prompted me to speak out loud to the TV screen (yes, I was alone in a hotel room watching this in the early morning hours). “THIS ISN’T FATE – THIS IS THE HAND OF OUR MOST HOLY, AWESOME, GRACIOUS GOD!”
This is the same God who sent Jesus as the “in the flesh” representation of the triune God. THIS was no accident, no twist of fate, no coincidence, either. We serve a purposeful God who intervenes in history and in our lives. PRAISE BE TO HIM.
Thanks, Weather Channel for giving me an opportunity to worship!
As we complete one year and begin another, let’s intentionally look for the many times we are protected, guided, and directed which feel like coincidences. Let’s enjoy seeing the hand of God in our lives. This is great joy for us and I believe for Him, as well. He loves to hear our voices of thanksgiving and what better time than that special moment we truly know is a “God-thing.”