Weekly Thought – November 16, 2021
Fred published his first book in the mid-80s titled You and Your Network. At that time the concept of networking had a negative connotation suggesting manipulation. Fred’s lifework as a man who introduced friends to friends for mutual benefit built a foundation for a fundamental shift in its definition.
In the late 1970s Holly Lake Chapel in East Texas assembled a devotional booklet, asking members and friends to contribute short, encouraging pieces. Although not a member, Fred and Mary Alice were homeowners at the Holly Lake Ranch community and frequent attendees of the Chapel. Fred’s brief devotional speaks to the value of introductions.
Friend to Friend
Great things come from introductions. Andrew brought his brother to Jesus. What a connection that was with eternal implications. Barnabas introduced Paul to the apostles. This one was a lesson in timing because the leaders were not prepared to accept Paul immediately into the fellowship. God’s plan worked out as Paul then introduced the gentiles to Jesus.
Do you remember who introduced you to your spouse? It is a special privilege to be part of the chemistry which occurs when friends meet friends and click.
Therefore, I want to use my ink in this devotional endeavor of the Holly Lake Chapel as an introduction to one of my friends: Oswald Chambers.
In 1956 Orean Howard, wife of a leading management executive, gave a copy of My Utmost for His Highest to Mary Alice and me. Her enthusiasm in his writing and impact, as well as our respect for her spiritual maturity, urged us to begin a daily reading habit. (Editor’s note: by the time Fred and Mary Alice both transferred to heaven they wore out 5 copies of this little devotional book).
Chambers helps us to confront materialism maturely. So often we begin believing materialism is our national religion, even putting Christian faith in the shadows. Individuals begin to fit into a rating system for business, society, or athletics. Tragically, we see the church fall prey to this system, giving preference to the big givers and well placed members. Swimming in that pool can be dangerous, leading to drowning.
Oswald Chambers, by his admonition helped me establish a healthy viewpoint: “Sit loose to things.” In the late 1960s I lost a significant client and a major part of my annual income. Thanks to Chambers my first thought was “sit loose, Fred.” Nothing prohibits us from working, earning, and enjoying. But they are a tool, not an idol.
That experience let me practice what Chambers taught: I am more than what I own.
Year by year and day by day the power of introduction becomes even more clear. It is my desire that Oswald Chambers will become your friend and his practical wisdom will create a platform for successful living.
This week begin to think about: 1) What is one of the key introductions in my life? 2) Who is a strong influencer, helping me to smooth the rough places? 3) How can I develop my ability to introduce those who need to know each other?
Words of Wisdom: “Sit loose to things!”
Wisdom from the Word: “Here is a misfortune on earth that I have seen: Wealth hoarded by its owner to his own misery.” (Ecclesiastes 5:13 NET Bible)