Weekly Thought – December 30, 2014
Fred appreciated year’s end. He used the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day to analyze the past year. He encouraged others to do audits which included financial and spiritual. He acknowledged the power of God to lead in his life.
As this year closes, please know how very grateful we are for the work God has given us to do. And for your support. We commit ourselves to stretching and blessing through the weekly thoughts, the leadership institutes, and our blogs. May you experience the love and light of Jesus as 2014 ends.
Does Success Trump Saintliness (Conclusion)
Woven through everything I’ve said in this letter is the firm belief that each of us is a unique creation of God. In His love and providence He has engineered into us the capacity to live full, rich, and successful lives. I believe that God’s principles are like interwoven cables which provide structure and support yet give flexibility.
In Dallas there is a business which features an unusually tall flagpole holding an exceptionally large American flag. Because of its height, it is exposed to the winds of downtown Dallas. Upon inspection, you see a set of springs which give the banner some flexibility. If it were tightly harnessed to the pole, the winds would tear it apart.
I see God’s principles for living the same way. They are supporting, undergirding, and holding all things “by the power of His might.” But they are designed to work without being hammered down into a box.
I do not believe in relative theology. I believe in the authenticity of scripture. I hold that the cables have utmost integrity and remain fixed. However, I do not see them as straight lines with only one direction.
Of course, I’ve never had any hope of totally understanding God nor have I felt the need to justify my Christianity by intellectual means alone. I also know taking a “faith position” opens me to charges by non-believers of intellectual weakness. Personally, I have never found it necessary to defend God – He does a more than sufficient job by Himself.
I accept faith by its very nature. In doing so it positions me below God since I must accept without knowing. It’s interesting, isn’t it that He never said, “Without knowledge, it is impossible to please God”? No, the scripture tells us “without faith it is impossible to please God.”
I have talked with you about my “don’t duck” philosophy of sharing Christ. Not so strangely, when I leave the house ready to openly and naturally discuss my faith, opportunities come which aren’t artificial or forced.
You asked me if I thought you could be a Christian and be a success in business. Hopefully, through this mini-primer on business principles, you see the integration. It works. Bless.
This week think about: 1) How would I answer this young man’s question about success and faith? 2) Who models these principles for me? 3) When do I operate in the “don’t duck” mode?
Words of Wisdom: “Personally, I have never found it necessary to defend God – He does a more than sufficient job by Himself.”
Wisdom from the Word: “God has declared one principle; two principles I have heard: God is strong, and you, O Lord, demonstrate loyal love.” (Psalm 62: 11, 12a NET Bible)