Brenda’s Blog – July 14, 2020
“Beep, beep, beep!”
Growing up I loved a funny little faux sci-fi series “Lost in Space.” The robot who guarded young Will Robinson gave us an iconic phrase which exists to this day among all of us old folks. When the adventuresome, though innocent, youngster crossed into treacherous territory the robot would intone, “Danger, danger, Will Robinson.”
My car was obviously designed by a devotee of the tv series for it has a safety feature which warns me of possible trouble – and absolutely aggravates me. When I wander close to the line on either side of the lane it has an alarm which continues until I straighten up and fly right.
One day I discovered a switch on the steering wheel which deactivated the beep, beep, beep. What relief! Now I could drive without pangs of conscience.
Was this a good thing? Did this remind me of the “guardian of my soul – the Holy Spirit?” What about those time when my life wandered toward the edge? How about those thankfully infrequent moments when the wheels of my life drove way too close to the other side of the yellow line?
Praise be to God His alarm isn’t so easily disabled. The Spirit prods, warning us of trespass. It consistently goes “beep, beep, beep, Brenda. Here is the way walk in it. Turn your wheels back onto the straight and narrow.”
I can ignore the Spirit’s beeping, certainly, but the price is high. The wise decision is to tune my ear to the “danger, danger” signals and willingly realign. The old hymn Trust and Obey has a terrific line: “trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey.” For me that means turning up the volume on the warning and staying in step with the Spirit.