Brenda’s Blog – July 16, 2019
“I’m going to make it.”
The words were spoken with a matter-of-fact tone. There were no high fives, just quiet resolve.
The second attempt at parole seemed within reach. The first one lasted 45 days with a return to prison. This 90 day stint is down to 25. “I’m done unless I do something stupid and get a charge.”
Crossing the finish line isn’t always easy, especially for some personality types. Those motivated by ideas and new beginnings often lag in the last quarter, leaving projects incomplete. Having another come alongside to provide execution allows ideas to become reality.
I once heard a story about John Lennon. He was one filled with ideas, but less adept at implementation. He and Yoko Ono were an ideal pair – he created and she executed. The story goes on to say during a 14 month separation his creative juices totally dried up. When they were reconciled his ideas flowed until he was killed.
I am an idea person who needs a Yoko for major endeavors. I am most grateful for the provision of those who sees the end and runs with me when I falter. Crossing he line together is great joy?
Have you ever taken on a project and struggled to get the last page, task, mile completed? Or, do you have the skills to make a dream into a reality? Each of you needs the “other half” to make it all it can be.
My young friend’s hope came in seeing that this time he would not leave the task incomplete; he would cross that finish line knowing the satisfaction of completion. He had the help of friends and family, a supportive employer, and a parole officer who believes in him.
His hope in the accomplishment gives him energy and purpose. His opportunity to experience success may be a step toward a favorable outcome.