Weekly Thought – January 15, 2019
Fred’s ability to capture the essence of culture and his discernment about the nature of mankind gave him a timeless view of the world. This week’s post is truly solid gold as it is excerpted from a 1954 speech. In the talk he mused about the challenging conditions of the world, listing some disturbing contributions of his generations. Fred was 39 at the time of these observations.
Challenges and Disturbances
My generation has given to the new generation (editor’s note: new generation at that time comprised of those born 1927-1944):
1) Religion without conviction
2) Science without conscience
3) Kinsey without marriage
4) Excitement without achievement
5) Security without effort
6) Knowledge without wisdom
7) Nightmares instead of dreams
8) Techniques without principles
9) Precepts without examples
10) Freedom without responsibility
11) The present without promise
12) The future without fruition
13) Marching orders without marching songs
14) Education without motivation
15) Prosperity without peace
16) War without reason
17) Art without beauty
18) Brotherhood without Godhood
19) Songs without souls
20) Enterprise without enthusiasm
21) Fission without feeling
22) Fusions without faith
This week think about: 1) Nearly 60 years ago Fred saw these trends. What am I seeing and passing on to the next generations? 2) How clear am I on my challenges and contributions? 3) Who am I influencing in the next generations?
Words of Wisdom: “We are giving the new generation knowledge without wisdom.”
Wisdom from the Word: “And regard the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as also our dear brother Paul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him. (2 Peter 3:15 NET Bible)