Brenda’s Blog – June 29, 2021
“Not my fault, not my fault!”
Three year old Jeff sat on the floor mumbling to himself. As I got closer I bent over to hear what he was saying: “Not my fault, not my fault!”
“Jeff, why are you saying that?” I asked. “I am practicing for when the girls (his two older sisters) blame me. As the youngest one, the girls often shifted blame to him. They ably put on innocent faces and pointed fingers at their little brother, thinking we would actually buy it!
That is a funny sibling story, but not so humorous when seen in adults. Sadly, our culture often rewards those who deftly avoid personal responsibility and slide past accountability. Mastering the art of dodging receives too much applause and too many accolades. Being slick is no longer shameful but worthy of high fives.
Let’s resolve to be people of integrity who “own up” instead of those who “double down.”